Plus Size Boutiques Tips on How to Look for Great Clothes
One great thing about shopping at plus size boutiques is the fact that you can easily find what you are looking for and you can even find things you did not know you needed. Next thing you know, your total bill is worth more than $100, your package arrives on your front porch, and when you finally open it, you will realize how similar the clothes are to the items of clothing already in your wardrobe. Here at Buy Curvy, one of the leading plus size boutiques, we will be giving you tips on how to look for when you are on the hunt for great clothes to buy plus size online boutiques.

There are 4 common body types for females and they are a banana, apple, pear, and hourglass. Each of our bodies is unique, however, categorizing it based on our body shapes makes it easier for you to be able to find items of clothing that will compliment or flatter your body, making you look sexier. There are guides available on the internet as well as body shape calculator that will help you determine which body type you have.

Aside from determining your body shape, it is also important to know which skin tone you have. There are three types of skin tones: warm, neutral, and cool-toned. People who have warm skin tones look good in warm, earthy colors, whereas people with cool skin tones look their greatest in cool-toned colors as well. However, neutral-skin toned people look good in both warm and cool tones, this gives them the advantage of being flexible in finding clothes great for them.

“Fashions fade, style is eternal.” - Yves Saint Laurent
Said by the fashion designer himself is the truth about fashion in itself. Style will always beat the trends, therefore find out what kind of style fits your mood, your body, and most especially, your personality. Fashion, as we know it, is seasonal. You buy an expensive dress for now and by next season, it will be considered as vintage and at worse, trash. This is why above everything, prioritize your personal style to continue to stand out among the crowd.
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